30-Days Money Back Guarantee

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Your Satisfaction is Our Priority

Here at NCE, we truly believe our services are exceptionally valuable. In our efforts, we strive for the highest in quality and customer service. We are confident that you will be 100% completely satisfied with our services, and we work hard to make sure this is true.
If you are not satisfied with your NCE service for any reason, during the first 30 days after signing up, you may cancel and we will give you a full refund*. All we ask is that you call customer support to obtain a cancellation form and return it before the 30-day period expires.

Terms of our Money-Back Guarantee:

Simply cancel your service by calling customer support at 1 833-New-Call or emailing to support@ncevoip.com. You will receive a refund authorization number. All returned equipment must be in the original packaging and must be in its original undamaged condition. All components, manuals and registration card(s) must be included. The Money-Back Guarantee will not be issued if you fail to meet these requirements.

When we receive the equipment within 14 days of service cancellation, and the conditions above have been met, you will be refunded the service activation fee and the first month's monthly charges. Equipment returned without a valid return authorization number will not be eligible for the Money-Back Guarantee.

To use the Guarantee, you must cancel your VoIP service within 30 days of the activation of your account. You must not exceed 500 minutes of in-plan usage in the first 30 days of service. You are responsible for any overage, international or directory assistance call charges. If you exceed 500 minutes, you will not be refunded for the first full month of service. You must not have previously exercised the NCE 30-day Money-Back Guarantee and obtained a refund from NCE as a result of any other NCE account.

(*30-day money back guarantee does not apply to usage charges such as long distance or toll free minutes.)